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Access - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
MethodHandle Access Class
This class provides a simpler interface for working with Java's MethodHandle API.
This is not a replacement for reflection as that's still faster for single requests.
Access.Class - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
Type Accessor Class
Access.Constructor - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
Constructor Accessor Class
Access.Field - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
Field Accessor Class
Access.Method - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
Method Accessor Class
addCommand(Command, String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
Registers a Command
addExtra(String, Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
addExtra(String, Object) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.ExtraDataHandler
Add an extra value to this Object
addExtra(String, Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
addFilter(LogFilter) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
Add a filter to this logger
addStaticFilter(LogFilter) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
Add a filter to all loggers
after(TextElement...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
after(TextElement...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Place elements after this element
all - Static variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try
Handle all exceptions
ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
App - Annotation Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin
App Class Annotation
Classes annotated with this will not be loaded as plugins when found
append(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Add additional text behind the existing text
append(TextElement...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
append(TextElement...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Place elements inside this element, but behind the text
asBoolean() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Boolean
asBooleanList() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Boolean List
asDouble() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Double
asDoubleList() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Double List
asFloat() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Float
asFloatList() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Float List
asInt() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Integer
asIntList() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Integer List
asList() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get List
asLong() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Long
asLongList() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Long List
asMap() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Object Map
asMapList() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Object Map List
asObject() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object
asObjectList() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Object List
asShort() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get a Short by Handle
asShortList() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get a Short List by Handle
asString() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as String
asStringList() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as String List
asUUID() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as UUID
asUUIDList() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as UUID List
asVersion() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Version
asVersionList() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get Object as Version List
AsyncConsolidator - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
Asynchronous Task Consolidator Class
AsyncConsolidator(Runnable) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.AsyncConsolidator
Create a Asynchronous Task Consolidator
authors() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.App
The Authors of the App
authors() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Plugin
The Authors of this Plugin
autocomplete() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.Command
Gets the AutoComplete handler for this Command
autocomplete(CompletionHandler) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.Command
Sets an AutoComplete handler for this Command


backgroundColor() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Get the background color of the text
backgroundColor(int) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Set the background color of the text
backgroundColor(Color) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Set the background color of the text
before(TextElement...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
before(TextElement...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Place elements before this element
BETA - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
bind() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Constructor
Finalize and cache the constructor
bind() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Field
Finalize and cache the field getter
bind() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Method
Finalize and cache the method
bold() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Whether the text will be bold
bold(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
bold(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Set whether the text will be bold
build() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.App
The Build Version of the App
build() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Plugin
The Build Version of this Plugin


Cancellable - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event
Cancellable SubEvent Layout Class
CancellableEvent - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event
Cancellable SubEvent Layout Class
CancellableEvent() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.CancellableEvent
CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandProcessor.Status
chat(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
Send a message as Console
chat(String) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.InputSender
Send a message as the Sender
chat(TextElement) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
Send a message as Console
chat(TextElement) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.InputSender
Send a message as the Sender
clear() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Remove all Objects from this Map
clone() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Constructor
Create an editable clone of this accessor
clone() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Method
Create an editable clone of this accessor
clone() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
clone() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Clone this Map
closeWindow() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
Close the Console Window
color() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Get the color of the text
color(int) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Set the color of the text
color(Color) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
color(Color) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Set the color of the text
command(String) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandSender
Send a command as the Sender
command(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandHandler
Run Command
Command - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command
Command Layout Class
Command(PluginInfo) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.Command
Creates a new Command
CommandEvent - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine
Command Event Class
CommandEvent(Galaxi, CommandSender, String, String, String...) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine.CommandEvent
Console Command Event
CommandHandler - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command
Command Executor Layout Class
CommandProcessor - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command
Galaxi Command Processor Class
CommandProcessor() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandProcessor
CommandProcessor.Status - Enum Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command
Galaxi Command Status Class
CommandSender - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command
Command Sender Layout Class
compare(Version, Version) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
Compare Versions
compareTo(Version) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
Compare Versions
complete(CommandSender, String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandProcessor
Complete a command
complete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CompletionHandler
Generate a list of completions for this command
CompletionHandler - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command
Command AutoComplete Handler Layout Class
ConsoleCommandSender - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command
Console Command Sender Class
ConsoleInputEvent - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine
Non-Specific Console Input Event
ConsoleInputEvent(Galaxi, String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine.ConsoleInputEvent
Console Command Event
ConsoleText - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log
Console Text Element Builder Class
ConsoleText() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Create a new Text Element
ConsoleText(String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Create a new Text Element
ConsoleText(ObjectMap<String>) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Load a Text Element
constructor() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Class
Access a Constructor
ContainedPair<K,V> - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container
Key-Value Pair Container Class
ContainedPair() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.ContainedPair
Creates the Container
ContainedPair(K, V) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.ContainedPair
Creates the Container
Container<V> - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container
Value Container Class
Container() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Container
Creates the Container
Container(V) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Container
Creates the Container
contains(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Check if a Handle exists
copy(File, File) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Directories
Copy a Directory
copyFromJar(ClassLoader, String, String) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Copy a file from the ClassLoader
create(PluginInfo, CommandHandler) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.Command
Creates a new Command (by wrapping an existing executor)


debug - Variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogLevel
delete(File) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Directories
Delete Directory
dependencies() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Plugin
Dependencies List
Dependency - Annotation Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin
Plugin Dependency Annotation
description() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.Command
Gets the Description of this Command
description() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.App
The Description of the App
description() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Plugin
The Description of this Plugin
description(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.Command
Set the Description of this Command
Directories - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
display() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.App
The Display Name of the App
display() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Plugin
The Display Name of this Plugin


EARLY - Static variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.ListenerOrder
equals(Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
equals(Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Pair
equals(Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Value
equals(Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
equals(Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
equals(Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
equals(Version) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
See if Versions are Equal
equals(Version, Version) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
See if Versions are Equal
error - Variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandProcessor.Status
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogLevel
escapeArguments(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandProcessor
Escapes some arguments
escapeArguments(String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandProcessor
Escapes some arguments
escapeCommand(String, String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandProcessor
Escapes a command
escapeCommand(String, String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandProcessor
Escapes a command
Event - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event
SubEvent Layout Class
Event() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Event
executeEvent(Class<T>, T) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
Run an Event (as super class)
executeEvent(Event) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
Run an Event
expect(Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try
Handle specific exceptions
ExtraDataHandler<K> - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
Extra Data Handler Layout Class


field(Class<?>, String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Class
Access a Field
filter(LogStream, String) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogFilter
Decide whether or not a message should be logged
FIRST - Static variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.ListenerOrder
fromString(String) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
Parse a Version from a string


Galaxi - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi
Galaxi API Class
Galaxi() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Galaxi
GalaxiReloadEvent - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine
Galaxi Engine Reload Event Class
GalaxiReloadEvent(Galaxi) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine.GalaxiReloadEvent
Galaxi Engine Reload Event
GalaxiStartEvent - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine
Galaxi Engine Start Event Class
GalaxiStartEvent(Galaxi) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine.GalaxiStartEvent
Galaxi Engine Start Event
GalaxiStopEvent - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine
Galaxi Engine Stop Event Class
GalaxiStopEvent(Galaxi, int) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine.GalaxiStopEvent
Galaxi Engine Stop Event
get() - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
Get the Console Command Sender
get() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Field
Finalize, cache, select, and invoke the field getter
get() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
Get Config Contents
get() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a copy of the original Object Map
get() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get Plugin Object
get(Class<?>) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get an already registered PluginInfo by plugin class
get(Object) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get an already registered PluginInfo by plugin class
get(String) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
Get a static logger
get(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object by Handle
get(K, Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object by Handle
get(K, Supplier<?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object by Handle
get(K, ObjectMapValue<K>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object by Handle
get(Try.Function<MethodHandle, Object>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Field
Finalize, cache, select, and invoke the field getter
get(Try.Supplier<T>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try
Get a value despite exceptions
get(Try.Supplier<T>, Consumer<Throwable>, T) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try
Get a value despite exceptions
get(Try.Supplier<T>, T) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try
Get a value despite exceptions
get(LogLevel) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
Get the stream by Log Level
getAppDataDirectory() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Galaxi
Gets the AppData Directory
getAppDataDirectory() - Method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
Get the appropriate location for storing user data for this Operating System
getAppInfo() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Galaxi
Gets the Galaxi Engine Info
getArguments() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine.CommandEvent
Get the Command Arguments
getAuthors() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get Authors List
getBackwards(Map<K, V>, V) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Get keys by value from map
getBoolean(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Boolean by Handle
getBoolean(K, Boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Boolean by Handle
getBoolean(K, Supplier<Boolean>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Boolean by Handle
getBooleanList(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Boolean List by Handle
getBooleanList(K, Supplier<? extends List<Boolean>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Boolean List by Handle
getBooleanList(K, List<Boolean>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Boolean List by Handle
getBuild() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get the Plugin's Build Version
getCaseInsensitively(Map<String, V>, String) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Get an item from a map ignoring case
getCommandProcessor() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Galaxi
Get the Command Processor
getConsole() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Galaxi
Get the Console Sender
getDataFolder() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Gets this Plugin's data folder
getDependencies() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Gets the Dependencies List
getDescription() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get Plugin Description
getDisplayName() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get the Plugin's Display Name
getDouble(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Double by Handle
getDouble(K, Double) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Double by Handle
getDouble(K, Supplier<Double>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Double by Handle
getDoubleList(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Double List by Handle
getDoubleList(K, Supplier<? extends List<Double>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Double List by Handle
getDoubleList(K, List<Double>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Double List by Handle
getEngine() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Event
Get the GalaxiEngine API
getEngineInfo() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Galaxi
Gets the Galaxi Engine Info
getEntries() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get the Entries
getExtra() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
getExtra() - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.ExtraDataHandler
Get the extra value section
getExtra() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
getExtra(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
getExtra(String) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.ExtraDataHandler
Get an extra value
getExtra(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
getFloat(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Float by Handle
getFloat(K, Float) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Float by Handle
getFloat(K, Supplier<Float>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Float by Handle
getFloatList(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Float List by Handle
getFloatList(K, Supplier<? extends List<Float>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Float List by Handle
getFloatList(K, List<Float>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Float List by Handle
getHandle() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get the Handle this Object uses
getIcon() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get the Plugin's Icon
getID() - Method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogLevel
Get the ID of this Log Level
getInput() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine.ConsoleInputEvent
Get the Input
getInstance() - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Galaxi
Gets the GalaxiEngine API Methods
getInt(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Integer by Handle
getInt(K, Integer) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Integer by Handle
getInt(K, Supplier<Integer>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Integer by Handle
getIntList(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Integer List by Handle
getIntList(K, Supplier<? extends List<Integer>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Integer List by Handle
getIntList(K, List<Integer>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Integer List by Handle
getJavaArchitecture() - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
Get the Architecture the current version of Java was designed for
getJavaLanguageLevel() - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
Get the Java Language Level that is currently being provided
getJavaVersion() - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
Get the Java Version that is currently being used
getKeys() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get the Keys
getLabel() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine.CommandEvent
Get the Command Label
getLevel() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Get the level this stream logs on
getList(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a List by Handle
getList(K, Collection<?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a List by Handle
getList(K, Supplier<? extends Collection<?>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a List by Handle
getList(K, List<? extends ObjectMapValue<K>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a List by Handle
getLoadBefore() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Gets the Load Before Plugins List
getLoader() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get the Plugin's ClassLoader
getLogger() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Get the Logger this stream belongs to
getLogger() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Gets the default Logger for this Plugin
getLong(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Long by Handle
getLong(K, Long) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Long by Handle
getLong(K, Supplier<Long>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Long by Handle
getLongList(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Long List by Handle
getLongList(K, Supplier<? extends List<Long>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Long List by Handle
getLongList(K, List<Long>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Long List by Handle
getMap(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object Map by Handle
getMap(K, Supplier<? extends ObjectMap<? extends K>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object Map by Handle
getMap(K, Map<? extends K, ?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object Map by Handle
getMap(K, ObjectMap<? extends K>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object Map by Handle
getMapList(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object Map List by Handle
getMapList(K, Collection<? extends Map<? extends K, ?>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object Map List by Handle
getMapList(K, Supplier<? extends List<? extends ObjectMap<? extends K>>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object Map List by Handle
getMapList(K, List<? extends ObjectMap<? extends K>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object Map List by Handle
getMaxVersion() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo.Dependency
Get the maximum allowed version of the Dependency
getMinVersion() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo.Dependency
Get the minimum required version of the Dependency
getName() - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandSender
Get Sender Name
getName() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
getName() - Method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
Get the name of this known Operating System
getName() - Method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogLevel
Get the name of this Log Level
getName() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo.Dependency
Get the name of the Dependency
getName() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get the Plugin's Name
getNew(Collection<? extends V>, Supplier<V>) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Gets a new Variable that doesn't match the existing Variables
getObject(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object by Handle
getObject(K, Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object by Handle
getObject(K, Supplier<?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object by Handle
getObjectList(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object List by Handle
getObjectList(K, Supplier<? extends List<?>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object List by Handle
getObjectList(K, List<?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get an Object List by Handle
getOrConsume(Try.Supplier<T>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try
Get a value despite exceptions
getOrFunction(Try.Supplier<T>, Consumer<Throwable>, Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try
Get a value despite exceptions
getOrFunction(Try.Supplier<T>, Function<Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try
Get a value despite exceptions
getOrSupply(Try.Supplier<T>, Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try
Get a value despite exceptions
getParent() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Go up a level in the config (or null if this is the top layer)
getParent() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Get the Object Map this Object was defined in
getPlatformStack() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Builds a stack of relevant platform and versioning information for this plugin (Useful for debugging!)
getPlugin() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Event
Gets your Plugin's Info
getPlugin(Class<?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
Gets a Plugin
getPlugin(Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
Gets a Plugin
getPlugin(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
Gets a Plugin
getPluginManager() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Galaxi
Get the Plugin Manager
getPlugins() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
Get a map of the Plugins
getPrefix() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
Get the prefix this logger uses
getPrefix() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Get the prefix this logger uses
getRawCommand() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine.CommandEvent
Get the Raw Command String
getRuntimeDirectory() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Galaxi
Gets the Runtime Directory
getSection(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section by Handle
getSection(String, Supplier<? extends YAMLSection>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section by Handle
getSection(String, Map<? extends String, ?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section by Handle
getSection(String, YAMLSection) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section by Handle
getSectionList(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section List by Handle
getSectionList(String, Collection<? extends Map<? extends String, ?>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section List by Handle
getSectionList(String, Supplier<? extends List<? extends YAMLSection>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section List by Handle
getSectionList(String, List<? extends YAMLSection>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Get a YAML Section List by Handle
getSender() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine.CommandEvent
Gets who sent this Command
getShort(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Short by Handle
getShort(K, Short) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Short by Handle
getShort(K, Supplier<Short>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Short by Handle
getShortList(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Short List by Handle
getShortList(K, Supplier<? extends List<Short>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Short List by Handle
getShortList(K, List<Short>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Short List by Handle
getState() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get the Plugin's State
getStopCode() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine.GalaxiStopEvent
Exit Code from the app
getString(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a String by Handle
getString(K, String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a String by Handle
getString(K, Supplier<String>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a String by Handle
getStringList(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a String List by Handle
getStringList(K, Supplier<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a String List by Handle
getStringList(K, List<String>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a String List by Handle
getSystem() - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
Get the Operating System that is currently being used
getSystemArchitecture() - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
Get the architecture of the Operating System that is currently being used
getSystemBuild() - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
Get the build of the Operating System that is currently being used
getSystemName() - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
Get the name of the Operating System that is currently being used
getSystemVersion() - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
Get the version of the Operating System that is currently being used
getter() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Field
Finalize, cache, and select the field getter
getUpdateChecker() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get the Update Checker for this Plugin
getUUID(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a UUID by Handle
getUUID(K, Supplier<UUID>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a UUID by Handle
getUUID(K, UUID) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a UUID by Handle
getUUIDList(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a UUID List by Handle
getUUIDList(K, Supplier<? extends List<UUID>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a UUID List by Handle
getUUIDList(K, List<UUID>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a UUID List by Handle
getValues() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get the Values
getVersion() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get the Plugin's Version
getVersion(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Version by Handle
getVersion(K, Supplier<Version>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Version by Handle
getVersion(K, Version) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Version by Handle
getVersionList(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Version List by Handle
getVersionList(K, Supplier<? extends List<Version>>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Version List by Handle
getVersionList(K, List<Version>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Get a Version List by Handle
getWebsite() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get Authors' Website


handle() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Constructor
Finalize, cache, and select the constructor
handle() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Method
Finalize, cache, and select the method
hasExtra(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
hasExtra(String) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.ExtraDataHandler
Determine if an extra value exists
hasExtra(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
hasPermission(String) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandSender
Test if the Sender has a permission
hasPermission(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
help() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.Command
Get the Help Page for this Command
help(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.Command
Set the Help Page for this Command


IllegalPluginException - Exception in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Exception
Illegal Plugin Exception
IllegalPluginException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Exception.IllegalPluginException
IllegalPluginException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Exception.IllegalPluginException
IllegalStringValueException - Exception in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Exception
Illegal String Value Exception
IllegalStringValueException() - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Exception.IllegalStringValueException
IllegalStringValueException(String) - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Exception.IllegalStringValueException
info - Variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
INFO - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogLevel
InputSender - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command
Input Sender Layout Class
instance() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Field
Get the instance this field belongs to
instance() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Method
Get the instance this method will run under
instance(Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Field
Switch to instance field selection mode
If this method is not called, we remain in static field selection mode
instance(Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Method
Switch to instance method selection mode
If this method is not called, we remain in static method selection mode
invoke() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Constructor
Finalize, cache, select, and invoke the constructor (with zero arguments)
invoke() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Method
Finalize, cache, select, and invoke the method (with zero arguments)
invoke(Try.Function<MethodHandle, Object>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Constructor
Finalize, cache, select, and invoke the constructor
invoke(Try.Function<MethodHandle, Object>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Method
Finalize, cache, select, and invoke the method
isBoolean() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Check if object is a Boolean
isBoolean(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Check if object is a Boolean by Handle
isCancelled() - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Cancellable
Gets if the Event has been Cancelled
isCancelled() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.CancellableEvent
Gets if the Event has been Cancelled
isEnabled() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Sets the Plugin's Enabled Status
isList() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Check if object is a List
isList(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Check if object is a List by Handle
isMap() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Check if object is an Object Map
isMap(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Check if object is an Object Map by Handle
isNull() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Check if object is Null
isNull(Object) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Checks a value to make sure it's not null
isNull(Object...) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Checks values to make sure they're not null
isNull(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Check if object is Null by Handle
isNumber() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Check if object is a Number
isNumber(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Check if object is a Number by Handle
isRequired() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo.Dependency
Get if this Dependency is required
isString() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Check if object is a String
isString(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Check if object is a String by Handle
isUUID() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
Check if object is a UUID
isUUID(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Check if object is a UUID by Handle
italic() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Whether the text will be italic
italic(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
italic(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Set whether the text will be italic


key - Variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.ContainedPair
key() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.ContainedPair
key() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Pair
Get the Key
key() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Change the Key type of this map
key(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.ContainedPair
key(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Pair
Set the Key


LAST - Static variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.ListenerOrder
LATE - Static variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.ListenerOrder
Listener<T extends Event> - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event
Event Listener Layout Class
Classes implementing this and registered will call to when the event is run
ListenerOrder - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event
Listener Order Defaults Class
Listeners will be called from Short.MIN_VALUE to Short.MAX_VALUE unless the event is annotated by @ReverseOrder
load(Object) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Get or register PluginInfo for objects tagged with @App/@Plugin
loadBefore() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Plugin
Load Before Plugins List
LogFilter - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log
Log Filter Layout Class
Logger - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log
Logger Class
Logger(String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
Creates a new Logger
LogLevel - Enum Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log
Log Level Enum
LogStream - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log
Log Stream Class


MAC_OS - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
maxVersion() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Dependency
Maximum allowed version of the Dependency
message - Variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
message() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Get the message
MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogLevel
method(Class<?>, String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Class
Access a Method
method(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Class
Access a Method
minVersion() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Dependency
Minimum required version of the Dependency
module(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access
Access a resource from a module that opens to you


name() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Field
Get the name of this field
name() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Method
Get the name of this method
name() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.App
The Name of the App
name() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Dependency
Name of the Dependency
name() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Plugin
The Name of this Plugin
net.ME1312.Galaxi - package net.ME1312.Galaxi
net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command - package net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command
net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event - package net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event
net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine - package net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine
net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library - package net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config - package net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config
net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container - package net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container
net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Exception - package net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Exception
net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map - package net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map
net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version - package net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version
net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log - package net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log
net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin - package net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin
none - Static variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try
Handle no exceptions
NORMAL - Static variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.ListenerOrder
nullpo(T) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Checks a value to make sure it's not null
nullpo(T...) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Checks values to make sure they're not null


ObjectMap<K> - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map
Object Map Class
ObjectMap() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Creates an empty Object Map
ObjectMap(Map<? extends K, ?>) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Creates an Object Map from Map Contents
ObjectMap(ObjectMap<? extends K>) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Creates an Object Map from Map Contents
ObjectMapValue<K> - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map
Object Map Class
onClick() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Get the link that will open on click
onClick(Runnable) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Run some code on click
onClick(URL) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Open a link on click
openWindow() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
Open the Console Window
order() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Subscribe
Defines when this method should run in the stack
override() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Subscribe
If this method should be called even after the event has been cancelled


Pair<K,V> - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container
Key-Value Pair Container
Pair() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Pair
parameters() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Constructor
Get the parameter types of this constructor
parameters() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Method
Get the parameter types of this method
parameters(Class<?>...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Constructor
Define the parameters of this constructor
If this method is not called, it is assumed that there are no parameters
parameters(Class<?>...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Method
Define the parameters of this method
If this method is not called, it is assumed that there are no parameters
Platform - Enum Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
Operating System Platform Enum
plugin() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.Command
Gets the Plugin that registering this Command
Plugin - Annotation Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin
Plugin Class Annotation
Classes annotated with this will be loaded as plugins when found
PluginInfo - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin
Plugin Info Class
PluginInfo.Dependency - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin
PluginManager - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin
PluginManager() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
PRE_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
PRE_BETA - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
PRE_RELEASE - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
prepend(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Add additional text before the existing text
prepend(TextElement...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
prepend(TextElement...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Place elements inside this element, but in front of the text
PREVIEW - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
print(char) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Print a Character
print(char[]) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Print an Array of Characters
print(Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Print an Object
print(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Print a String
print(Throwable) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Print an Exception
print(TextElement) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Print a Text Element
println() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Print an empty line
println(char...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Print multiple Characters (separated by a new line)
println(char[]...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Print multiple Arrays of Characters (separated by a new line)
println(Object...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Print multiple Objects (separated by a new line)
println(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Print multiple Strings (separated by a new line)
println(Throwable...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Print multiple Exceptions (separated by a new line)
println(TextElement...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Print a Text Element


readAll(Reader) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Read Everything from Reader
reflect(Constructor<?>, Object...) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Construct an object using Reflection
This method is likely to be removed the moment multi-module JPMS jarfiles become available to us
reflect(Field, Object) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Get a Field's value using Reflection
This method is likely to be removed the moment multi-module JPMS jarfiles become available to us
reflect(Field, Object, Object) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Set a Field's value using Reflection
This method is likely to be removed the moment multi-module JPMS jarfiles become available to us
reflect(Method, Object, Object...) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Call a method using Reflection
This method is likely to be removed the moment multi-module JPMS jarfiles become available to us
register(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.Command
Register this Command
registerListener(PluginInfo, Class<T>, Number, Listener<? extends T>...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
Register Event Listeners
registerListener(PluginInfo, Class<T>, Listener<? extends T>...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
Register Event Listeners
registerListeners(PluginInfo, Object...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
Register Event Listeners
release() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.AsyncConsolidator
Call this after running each task
RELEASE - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
RELEASE_CANDIDATE - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
reload() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
Reload Config Contents
remove(K) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Remove an Object by Handle
removeCommand(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
Unregisters a Command
removeExtra(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
removeExtra(String) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.ExtraDataHandler
Remove an extra value from this Object
removeExtra(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
removeFilter(LogFilter) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
Remove a filter from this logger
removeStaticFilter(LogFilter) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
Remove a static filter
required() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Dependency
Whether the Dependency is required
reserve() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.AsyncConsolidator
Call this before running each task
reserve(int) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.AsyncConsolidator
Call this before running multiple tasks
returns() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Method
Get the return type of this method
returns(Class<?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Method
Define the return type of this method
If this method is not called, the return type is assumed to be void
ReverseOrder - Annotation Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event
Reverse Order Event Annotation
Events annotated by this will run their listeners in reverse order
REVISION - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
run() - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try.Runnable
run() - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try.Supplier
run(Try.Runnable) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try
Run some code
run(Try.Runnable, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try
Run some code
run(T) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Listener
Listen for an Event
run(T) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try.Consumer
run(T) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try.Function
run(T1, T2) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try.BiConsumer
run(T1, T2) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Try.BiFunction
runCommand(CommandSender, String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandProcessor
Run a command


safeSet(K, Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Set an Object into this Map without overwriting the existing value
safeSet(K, Supplier<?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Set an Object into this Map without overwriting the existing value
safeSetAll(Map<? extends K, ?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Set all Objects into this Map without overwriting existing values
safeSetAll(ObjectMap<? extends K>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Copy all Objects to this Map without overwriting existing values
save() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
Save Config Contents
scanDependencies() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Scans to create a Full Dependency List (which includes the dependencies of your dependencies)
search(File) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Directories
Search a Directory
sendMessage(String...) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandSender
Send the Sender a message
sendMessage(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
sendMessage(TextElement...) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandSender
Send the Sender a message
sendMessage(TextElement...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.ConsoleCommandSender
set(K, Object) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Set an Object into this Map
set(YAMLSection) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
Set Config Contents
setAll(Map<? extends K, ?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Set all Objects into this Map
setAll(ObjectMap<? extends K>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
Copy all Objects to this Map
setArguments(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine.CommandEvent
Set the Command Arguments
setBuild(Version) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Set the Plugin's Build Version (may only be done once)
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Cancellable
Sets if the Event is Cancelled
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.CancellableEvent
Sets if the Event is Cancelled
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Set the Plugin's Display Name
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Sets if the Plugin is Enabled
setIcon(InputStream) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Set the Plugin's Icon
setLabel(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.Engine.CommandEvent
Set the Command Label
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Replace this Plugin's Logger with a custom one
setState(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Set the Plugin's State
setter() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Field
Finalize, cache, and select the field setter
setUpdateChecker(Supplier<Boolean>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginInfo
Set the Update Checker for this Plugin
severe - Variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
SEVERE - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogLevel
shared - Static variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access
Access a resource that has been shared to all modules; a public resource
SNAPSHOT - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
sneakyThrow(Throwable) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Sneak an exception past the compiler
state() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.App
The State of the App
state() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Plugin
The State of the Plugin
strikethrough() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Whether the text will be struck through
strikethrough(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
strikethrough(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Set whether the text will be struck through
Subscribe - Annotation Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event
Event Listener Method Annotation
Methods annotated by this and registered will be called when the event is run
subscript() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Whether the text will be in subscript
subscript(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Set whether the text will be in subscript
success - Variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandProcessor.Status
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogLevel
superscript() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Whether the text will be in superscript
superscript(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
Set whether the text will be in superscript


TextElement - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log
Text Element Builder Class
TextElement() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Create a new Text Element
TextElement(String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Create a new Text Element
TextElement(ObjectMap<String>) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Load a Text Element
toExtendedString() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
The extended toString() method

new Version(new Version("1.0.0"), VersionType.PRE_ALPHA, "7") would return:
1.0.0 pre-alpha 7
toFullExtendedString() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
The full extended toString() method

new Version(new Version("1.0.0"), VersionType.PRE_ALPHA, "7") would return:
version 1.0.0 pre-alpha 7
toFullString() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
The full toString() method

new Version(new Version("1.0.0"), VersionType.PRE_ALPHA, "7") would return:
toFullString(Collection<Version>) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
The full toString() method for Collections
toJSON() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Convert to JSON
toPrimitive() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
Get this logger as a standard Java Logger
toPrimitive() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogStream
Get this logger as a standard Java PrintStream
toRaw() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Get the Raw Element
toString() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
toString() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
toString() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Pair
toString() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Value
toString() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMap
toString() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Map.ObjectMapValue
toString() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
The default toString() method

new Version(new Version("1.0.0"), VersionType.PRE_ALPHA, "7") would return:
toString(Collection<Version>) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
The default toString() method for Collections
Try - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
Exception Handler Class
Remember that use of this class should always make your code shorter — it is not a replacement for native try-catch blocks
Try.BiConsumer<T1,T2> - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
BiConsumer that could throw an exception
Try.BiFunction<T1,T2,R> - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
BiFunction that could throw an exception
Try.Consumer<T> - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
Consumer that could throw an exception
Try.Function<T,R> - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
Function that could throw an exception
Try.Runnable - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
Runnable that could throw an exception
Try.Supplier<R> - Interface in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
Supplier that could throw an exception
type() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access.Field
Get the data type of this field
type(Class<?>) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access
Access a Class


underline() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Whether the text will be underlined
underline(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.ConsoleText
underline(boolean) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.TextElement
Set whether the text will be underlined
unescapeJavaString(String) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Util
Parse Java escapes in a String
UNIX - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandProcessor.Status
unnamed - Static variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Access
Access a resource from the unnamed module; the same module as Galaxi
This short-hand will be removed the moment multi-module JPMS jarfiles become available to us
unregisterListeners(PluginInfo) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
Unregister Event Listeners
unregisterListeners(PluginInfo, Object...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.PluginManager
Unregister Event Listeners
unzip(InputStream, File) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Directories
Unzip a Directory
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
usage() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.Command
Get the Usage of this Command
usage(String...) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.Command
Set the Usage of this Command
Util - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library
Random Utility Class


value - Variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.ContainedPair
value - Variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Container
value() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.ContainedPair
value() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Container
value() - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Value
Get the Value
value(T) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Value
Set the Value
value(V) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.ContainedPair
value(V) - Method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Container
Value<T> - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container
Value Container
Value() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Container.Value
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandProcessor.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Command.CommandProcessor.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
version() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.App
The Version of this App
version() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Plugin
The Version of this Plugin
Version - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version
Version Class
Version(int...) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
Creates a Version
Version(String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
Creates a Version
Version(Version, int...) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
Creates a Version (Appending the parent)
Version(Version, String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
Creates a Version (Appending the parent)
Version(Version, VersionType, int...) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
Creates a Version (Appending the parent)
Version(Version, VersionType, String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
Creates a Version (Appending the parent)
Version(VersionType, int...) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
Creates a Version
Version(VersionType, String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.Version
Creates a Version
VERSION - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version.VersionType
VersionTokenizer - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version
VersionType - Enum Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Version
VERY_EARLY - Static variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.ListenerOrder
VERY_LATE - Static variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Event.ListenerOrder


warn - Variable in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.Logger
WARN - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Log.LogLevel
website() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.App
The Authors' Website
website() - Element in annotation interface net.ME1312.Galaxi.Plugin.Plugin
The Authors' Website
WINDOWS - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Platform


YAMLConfig - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config
YAML Config Class
YAMLConfig(File) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLConfig
Creates/Loads a YAML Formatted Config
YAMLSection - Class in net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config
YAML Config Section Class
YAMLSection() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Creates an empty YAML Section
YAMLSection(InputStream) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Creates a YAML Section from an Input Stream
YAMLSection(Reader) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Creates a YAML Section from a Reader
YAMLSection(String) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Creates a YAML Section from a String
YAMLSection(Map<? extends String, ?>) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Creates a YAML Section from Map Contents
YAMLSection(ObjectMap<String>) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Creates a YAML Section from Map Contents
YAMLSection(JSONObject) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Config.YAMLSection
Creates a YAML Section from JSON Contents


zip(File, OutputStream) - Static method in class net.ME1312.Galaxi.Library.Directories
Zip a Directory
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