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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


authenticate(DataClient, ObjectMap<K>) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.AuthService
Authenticate a Client
AuthService<K> - Interface in net.ME1312.SubData.Server
Authentication Service Layout Class


B - Static variable in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DataSize
BB - Static variable in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DataSize


Cipher - Interface in net.ME1312.SubData.Server
SubData Cipher Layout Class
CipherFactory - Interface in net.ME1312.SubData.Server
Cipher Factory Layout Class
ClientHandler - Interface in net.ME1312.SubData.Server
Client Handler Layout Class
close() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
Closes the connection
close() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer
Drops all connections and close the SubData Listener
close(Function<DataClient, Boolean>...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient.Events
On Connection Close Event
close(Function<DataServer, Boolean>...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer.Events
On Listener Close Event
CLOSE_REQUESTED - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DisconnectReason
SubData disconnected because it was instructed to do so
closed(Consumer<Pair<DisconnectReason, DataClient>>...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient.Events
On Connection Closed Event
closed(Consumer<DataServer>...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer.Events
On Listener Closed Event
connect(Function<DataClient, Boolean>...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer.Events
On Client Connect Event
CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DisconnectReason
SubData disconnected because the socket connection was interrupted


DataClient - Class in net.ME1312.SubData.Server
SubData Client API Class
DataClient() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
DataClient.Events - Class in net.ME1312.SubData.Server
SubData Client Event API Class
DataProtocol - Class in net.ME1312.SubData.Server
SubData Protocol API Class
DataProtocol() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataProtocol
DataServer - Class in net.ME1312.SubData.Server
SubData Server API Class
DataServer() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer
DataServer.Events - Class in net.ME1312.SubData.Server
SubData Server Event API Class
DataSize - Class in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library
SubData Data Size Enum
DataSize() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DataSize
decrypt(DataClient, InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Cipher
Decrypt Data
DisconnectReason - Enum Class in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library
Disconnect Reason Enum


encrypt(DataClient, InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Cipher
Encrypt Data
ENCRYPTION_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DisconnectReason
SubData disconnected because:
The client could not meet the encryption standards The client was using the right encryption, but the wrong key to encrypt with The client began sending unintelligible data after the encryption request
EncryptionException - Exception in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception
Encryption Exception
EncryptionException() - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception.EncryptionException
EncryptionException(String) - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception.EncryptionException
EncryptionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception.EncryptionException
EncryptionException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception.EncryptionException
EndOfStreamException - Exception in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception
EndOfStream Exception
EndOfStreamException() - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception.EndOfStreamException


forSubData() - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.ClientHandler
forSubData() - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.SubDataSerializable
Serialize this object for SubData


GB - Static variable in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DataSize
GBB - Static variable in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DataSize
getAddress() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
Get Remote Address
getAuthResponse() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
Gets the response from the Authorization Service
getBlockSize() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
Get SubData's default Block Size
getCipher(String, String) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.CipherFactory
Get a cipher by name
getClient(UUID) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer
Grabs a Client from the Network
getClients() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer
Grabs all the Clients on the Network
getDownloadTime() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.PingResponse
Get how long it took to download the ping response
getHandler() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
Gets the Linked Handler
getID() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
Get the ID of this Client
getLocalQueueTime() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.PingResponse
Get how long the ping waited in a queue on this machine
getMessage(String, String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataProtocol
Grab MessageIn Instance via handle
getName() - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Cipher
Get the name of this Cipher
getName() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataProtocol
Get the Network Protocol Name
getProtocol() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer
Get the Protocol for this Server
getQueueTime() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.PingResponse
Get how long the ping waited in a queue
getRemoteQueueTime() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.PingResponse
Get how long the ping waited in a queue on the remote machine
getResponseTime() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.PingResponse
Get how long it took to receive the ping response in total
getServer() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
Get the Server this Client belongs to
getSubData() - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.ClientHandler
Gets the SubData Client Channels
getTransferTime() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.PingResponse
Get how long it took to transfer the ping over the network in both directions
getUploadTime() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.PingResponse
Get how long it took to upload the ping
getVersion() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataProtocol
Get the Network Protocol Version


IllegalMessageException - Exception in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception
Illegal Message Exception
IllegalMessageException() - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception.IllegalMessageException
IllegalMessageException(String) - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception.IllegalMessageException
IllegalPacketException - Exception in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception
Illegal Packet Exception
IllegalPacketException() - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception.IllegalPacketException
IllegalPacketException(String) - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception.IllegalPacketException
INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DisconnectReason
SubData could not self-initialize within the allotted time
INVALID_LOGIN - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DisconnectReason
SubData disconnected because the AuthService determined the client's login credentials to be invalid
isClosed() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
Get if the connection has been closed
isClosed() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer
Get if the listener has been closed


KB - Static variable in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DataSize
KBB - Static variable in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DataSize


MB - Static variable in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DataSize
MBB - Static variable in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DataSize
MessageData - Class in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library
MessagePack Data Conversion Class
MessageData() - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.MessageData
MessageIn - Interface in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol
Message In Layout Class
MessageObjectIn<K> - Interface in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol
Message Object In Layout Class
MessageObjectOut<K> - Interface in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol
Message Object Out Layout Class
MessageOut - Interface in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol
Message Out Layout Class
MessageStreamIn - Interface in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol
Message InputStream Layout Class
MessageStreamOut - Interface in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol
Message OutputStream Layout Class


net.ME1312.SubData.Server - package net.ME1312.SubData.Server
net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library - package net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library
net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception - package net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception
net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol - package net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol
newChannel(Consumer<DataClient>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
Open an Async Data SubChannel
newCipher(String) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.CipherFactory
Get a cipher by name


on - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
on - Variable in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer


pack(ObjectMap<?>) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.MessageData
Convert an ObjectMap to a MessagePack Map
ping(Consumer<PingResponse>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
Ping the Client
PingResponse - Class in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library
Ping Response Class
All values presented by this class have been recorded in nanoseconds
PingResponse(long[]) - Constructor for class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.PingResponse
Calculates and stores the meaning of a ping using its recorded timings
PROTOCOL_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DisconnectReason
SubData disconnected because of a Protocol Mismatch
ProtocolException - Exception in net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception
Protocol Exception
ProtocolException() - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception.ProtocolException
ProtocolException(String) - Constructor for exception net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.Exception.ProtocolException


ready(Consumer<DataClient>...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient.Events
On Connection Ready Event
receive(DataClient) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol.MessageIn
Receives the incoming Message
receive(DataClient) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol.MessageStreamIn
receive(DataClient, InputStream) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol.MessageObjectIn
receive(DataClient, InputStream) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol.MessageStreamIn
Receives the incoming Message
receive(DataClient, ObjectMap<K>) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol.MessageObjectIn
Receives the incoming Message
registerMessage(String, String, Class<? extends MessageOut>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataProtocol
Register MessageOut to the Network
registerMessage(String, String, MessageIn) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataProtocol
Register MessageIn to the Network
removeClient(UUID) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer
Remove a Client from the Network
removeClient(DataClient) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer
Remove a Client from the Network
removeSubData(DataClient) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.ClientHandler
Unlink a SubData Client from this Object
retire(DataClient) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Cipher
Retire this encryption method for a specified Client


send(DataClient) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol.MessageObjectOut
Sends data within the outgoing Message
send(DataClient, OutputStream) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol.MessageObjectOut
send(DataClient, OutputStream) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol.MessageStreamOut
Sends data within the outgoing Message
sending(DataClient) - Method in interface net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Protocol.MessageOut
An Event called when the Message is being sent
sendMessage(MessageOut...) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
Send a message to the Client
SubDataSerializable - Interface in net.ME1312.SubData.Server
Serializable Client Handler Layout Class


TB - Static variable in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DataSize
TBB - Static variable in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DataSize
tempBlockSize(Integer) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
Set SubData's Block Size for the current message


UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DisconnectReason
SubData disconnected because an unhandled exception occurred
unpack(MapValue) - Static method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.MessageData
Convert a MessagePack Map to a ObjectMap
unregisterMessage(String, Class<? extends MessageOut>) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataProtocol
Unregister MessageOut to the Network
unregisterMessage(String, MessageIn) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataProtocol
Unregister MessageIn from the Network
unwhitelist(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataProtocol
Revoke Access from an Address (Global)
unwhitelist(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer
Revoke Access from an Address (Per-Server)


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DisconnectReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.Library.DisconnectReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


waitFor() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataClient
Wait for the connection to close
waitFor() - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer
Wait for the listener to close
whitelist(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataProtocol
Allow Access from an Address (Global)
whitelist(String) - Method in class net.ME1312.SubData.Server.DataServer
Allow Access from an Address (Per-Server)
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form