Package bridge

Class Invocation


public final class Invocation extends Object
A class that can be used to access field & method bridges (and other things too)
Imaginary objects defined within and returned by this class may not be stored. In other words, you are required to use them in the same statement they were created in for your code to compile correctly.
  • Field Details


      public static final int LANGUAGE_LEVEL
      Creates fork(s) of your class with code tailored to the specified Java language level(s)
      This constant may only appear in integer comparisons as the first operand. Using it anywhere else will not compile correctly.
  • Constructor Details

    • Invocation

      public Invocation(Class<?> type)
      Starts a direct reference to something static
      type - Type constant – no dynamic values are permitted here.
    • Invocation

      public Invocation(String type)
      Starts a direct reference to something static
      type - Type name constant – no dynamic values or string manipulation is permitted here.
    • Invocation

      public Invocation(@Polymorphic Object instance)
      Starts a direct reference to something that belongs to an instance of an object
      instance - Object instance
      This will attempt to determine the object type automatically.
    • Invocation

      public Invocation(Class<?> type, Object instance)
      Starts a direct reference to something that belongs to an instance of an object
      type - Type constant – no dynamic values are permitted here.
      instance - Object instance
    • Invocation

      public Invocation(String type, Object instance)
      Starts a direct reference to something that belongs to an instance of an object
      type - Type name constant – no dynamic values or string manipulation is permitted here.
      instance - Object instance
  • Method Details

    • ofInstanceOf

      public boolean ofInstanceOf()
      Performs a direct type-compatibility check using the given arguments
      The actual boolean response.
    • ofClassLiteral

      public Class<?> ofClassLiteral()
      Creates a direct reference to a class
      An actual class reference.
    • ofConstructor

      public Invocation.Executor ofConstructor()
      Creates a direct reference to a constructor
      An imaginary reference for you to execute your request with.
    • ofMethod

      public Invocation.Executor ofMethod(String name)
      Creates a direct reference to a method
      name - Method name constant – no dynamic values or string manipulation is permitted here.
      An imaginary reference for you to execute your request with.
      This will attempt to determine the method return type automatically.
    • ofMethod

      public Invocation.Executor ofMethod(Class<?> type, String name)
      Creates a direct reference to a method
      type - Method return type constant – no dynamic values are permitted here.
      name - Method name constant – no dynamic values or string manipulation is permitted here.
      An imaginary reference for you to execute your request with.
    • ofMethod

      public Invocation.Executor ofMethod(String type, String name)
      Creates a direct reference to a method
      type - Method return type name constant – no dynamic values or string manipulation is permitted here.
      name - Method name constant – no dynamic values or string manipulation is permitted here.
      An imaginary reference for you to execute your request with.
    • ofField

      public Invocation.Accessor ofField(String name)
      Creates a direct reference to a field
      name - Field name constant – no dynamic values or string manipulation is permitted here.
      An imaginary reference for you to execute your request with.
      This will attempt to determine the field type automatically.
    • ofField

      public Invocation.Accessor ofField(Class<?> type, String name)
      Creates a direct reference to a field
      type - Field type constant – no dynamic values are permitted here.
      name - Field name constant – no dynamic values or string manipulation is permitted here.
      An imaginary reference for you to execute your request with.
    • ofField

      public Invocation.Accessor ofField(String type, String name)
      Creates a direct reference to a field
      type - Field type name constant – no dynamic values or string manipulation is permitted here.
      name - Field name constant – no dynamic values or string manipulation is permitted here.
      An imaginary reference for you to execute your request with.